Brave the summer sun with an oral cancer screening beforehand. Don’t forget to get our regular oral cancer screening checkup before you kick off your summertime festivities. As with most types of cancers, effective treatments depend on discovering the disease early.
Listed below are some of the most commonly sought out symptoms of oral cancer:
– Check for clues of numbness or loss of feeling in the head, face, and neck areas.
– Check for a persistent sore throat or the feeling of a lump in the back of your throat, as well as complications from chewing, speaking, eating, and swallowing.
– Dramatic weight loss that is not easily explained could be a symptom of cancer.
– Check for visible injuries to your mouth, including eroded areas, patches, rough spots, lumps, and bumps, as well as for sores and lesions that do not heal after 2 weeks.
– Look for clues of unexplained bleeding that is not easily stopped.
– Look for discolored patches in your mouth, typically those that are white and red.
For any additional questions or concerns, Radiant Smiles Family Dentistry is here to help you with all your oral health needs. For a complete diagnosis from Dr. Danlu Lee & Wendy Yeung and our team at our dentist office in Kirkland, Washington, you can schedule an oral cancer screening by calling us at (425) 828.9721. We look forward to having you as our guest soon.