Oftentimes, children have a tough time in the dental chair. If your child is the same way, our Radiant Smiles Family Dentistry team is happy to help you. If you use the following tips, you might find success and ease at your child’s dental appointments:
Bring your child in at the right time
It’s best to bring your child in for their appointment at a time that they won’t be grumpy. Please do not bring them into our office during their naptime or even after their nap time if they tend to be cranky when they wake up. For older children, it’s best to not bring them in right after camp or school. Oftentimes, they don’t have the energy to deal with an appointment.
Set an example
Your child follows your lead, which is why we suggest that you set a good example for them. If you need to visit with the dentist, it’s best that you go first. That way, your child can see that you feel comfortable in the dental chair and it’s OK to have your dentist examine and clean the smile.
Feed your child prior to the appointment
If your child comes to their appointment with an empty stomach, they won’t feel comfortable and they will be grumpy. So, it’s best to feed your child before their dental appointment, but please remember to have them brush their teeth after they’re done with their meal or snack.
Leave your anxiety at the door
If you feel anxious in the dental office, your child will as well, which is why we ask you to leave your anxiety at the door. This will help your child stay relaxed and calm during the appointment. Also, please try to keep your cool if your child does not cooperate. If you get angry or stressed, it will only make the situation worse.
For more tips and information about children’s dental care and appointments in Kirkland, Washington, please feel free to call (425) 828.9721 and talk to a member of our team. We also encourage you to schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Danlu Lee & Wendy Yeung, if your child is due for a cleaning. We look forward to hearing from you!