Brushing and flossing your teeth is important for cleaning away plaque and residual food particles from your mouth before they can harden into tartar. Maintaining good oral health in the long term also includes attending your regular dental checkups at Radiant Smiles Family Dentistry.
The checkup starts with a thorough dental cleaning performed by one of our dental hygienists. This will clean away any hardened tartar from your teeth. Through the course of the cleaning, they will also keep an eye out for overt signs of tooth decay and periodontal disease. The dental cleaning concludes with a polishing treatment to remove minor surface stains from the tooth enamel.
Your dentists, Drs. Lee and Yeung, will then perform a thorough examination of your mouth. Should there be any areas of tooth decay or periodontal disease that need attention, they will help you understand your treatment options.
At the end of your visit, the dentists will perform a basic oral cancer screening. This is a cursory examination of your mouth, neck, tongue, and throat to detect any early signs of oral or pharyngeal cancer.
If your tooth enamel shows any signs of weakness or enamel erosion, the dentists might recommend administering a basic fluoride treatment. This is designed to fortify the strength of your tooth enamel to help prevent tooth decay and sensitivity issues between dental checkups.
We encourage you to call Radiant Smiles Family Dentistry at (425) 828.9721 today to learn more and to schedule your next teeth cleaning in Kirkland, Washington.